

Giving Time-Honored Building Structures Extended Life

Over the years, DCI has strengthened many historic buildings to preserve the local character of a community. Engineering solutions can range from retrofit, restorations, expansions, or adaptive reuse. Staff on our Vintage Building Committee strive for new ways to transform a building's use for a new generation. This month, we are showing some of the historic landmarks DCI has been able to add a little extra life to.

DCI Give Campaign is a yearlong effort aimed at keeping the spirit of giving all year long. For every month in 2016, we are documenting the many forms of giving. If you are catching up, see giving in action from previous months on our social media pages and stay engaged to see what's next.

For more information visit our blog at

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Congratulations on your Retirement, Bob MacIntosh

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Erik Madsen Wins NCSEA Award


Spokane Surveying Firm Joins DCI