Andria Huntsinger Bozeman web

Andria Huntsinger

Associate, People Operations Manager, Bozeman

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Understanding business functions, the roles needed to operate efficiently and strategies to maximize time are all crucial to organizational management – and HR is deeply tied to those parameters. Not only are we providing support, we are also assisting our people to strengthen their professional and personal lives.”

While Andria Huntsinger’s role may be behind the scenes, her impact on company operations and employee support is evident throughout DCI’s 20+ regional offices. From recruiting and onboarding to benefits and internal processing, Andria’s day-to-day functions at a large organization shift on a daily basis.

Andria’s very windy career path began while she was pursuing an architectural engineering degree from the University of Colorado, Boulder. Taking a semester off classes to work at Blockbuster Video (you remember those, right?), she was offered an Assistant Manager position on the spot – a clear indication of her people management and operations skills from then on: an Operations Manager for a company that provides continuing education for accountants, an Executive Director for a local arts festival—that’s still going strong today—and finally to DCI in 2016, then known as BCE Engineering before the two companies merged.

Here at DCI, Andria is recognized for bringing several new processes and checklists, such as building out the employee review process in ADP, developing a new hire benefits orientation presentation and initiating the company-wide Wellness Program, to name a few.

Where is your hometown? Pierre, SD (and for those not from there – it’s pronounced Pier)

What is your favorite thing about the DCI work environment? Being surrounded by smart, fun, hardworking people.

What is your favorite place, building, or built environment where you live? I have two – The Emerson Center for Arts & Culture. It’s an old elementary school that’s been converted to individual artist’s shops/galleries. The Ellen Theatre, which has been lovingly restored over the past several years and hosts all kinds of live theatre, older movies, comedians, musicians, and Pecha Kucha.

Andria shares her story in our DCI is ME staff features series!