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James "Jimmy" Ruvolo


Associate Principal, Dallas


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The SD phase is when you have the greatest influence on the layout of a building; and depending on the needs of the owner, it’s the time when you can offer both creative and practical solutions.

As a kid, James was curious about how things in the world worked. Combined with an interest in math and physics, engineering would come just as naturally. Prior to joining the firm in 2013, James Ruvolo attended Cornell University, switching his major from Business to Engineering, where he earned his Bachelor’s in Civil Engineering and Master’s in Structural Engineering before working for eight years at another New York engineering firm. James moved to the Dallas-Fort Worth area in 2011 and has worked with Madsen Engineering (now DCI) for over a decade, providing design solutions for projects throughout the greater New York area.

While James specializes in reinforced concrete design—for both foundations and superstructures—his experience includes managing a variety of commercial and private developments, ranging in material type, scope and size. James enjoys figuring out economical solutions to design problems and ways to streamline the process.

What would you name an engineer superhero?
Ken – after my favorite college professor

Where is your hometown?
Gibson, New York on Long Island.

If you weren’t an engineer, what would you be?
Something with art or business like a special effects artist, art teacher or graphic designer.