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Nina Munj


Associate Principal, San Francisco

“Our profession is a great balance between science and creativity, complemented by a flexible approach to design and coordination. When you have that mentality, any problem is solvable.”

For Nina, her engineering journey began when she toured the Architectural Engineering program at Cal Poly as a senior in high school. From that moment on, she was hooked, and her curiosity blossomed with each class and Structural Engineers Association of Northern California event and internship she took on.

Upon earning her Bachelor of Science in that same Cal Poly program, Nina worked at a small consulting firm before joining DCI in 2018. In addition to her work on concrete and podium residential and steel and concrete commercial projects (among others), she has focused her energies on growing the San Francisco office through recruiting and on-boarding efforts.

If you weren’t an engineer, what would you be?
A potter/ceramicist or a chef

What would you name an engineering superhero?
Captain Concrete Corbel

What is your favorite thing about the DCI work environment?
The collaboration that happens on a daily basis. There is so much knowledge involved with our profession, it would be difficult for one person to hold all of it at once, so working with a team with diverse skill sets that shares information freely has helped me grow immensely as an engineer.