
FinTech Innovation Hub

Tools for Financial Technology: Office venue welcomes local industry talent to develop state-of-the art financial analytic programs

The University’s skill sets, students, professors and researchers are in great demand for the tools of fintech, big data and machine learning. There’s a definite need and purpose to this building. It’s about serving the community, at the individual and small-business level.”
Mike Bowman, Delaware Technology Park President

This new six-story office building in Delaware Technology Park represents a best-in-class research and development hub for the booming financial technology (fintech) market. The FinTech Innovation Hub brings together academic and entrepreneurial talent, financial institutions, software developers, and government entities to develop advanced financial service programs, cybersecurity, and data analytical resources. The office building features restaurant space, conference rooms, computer labs, teaching and demonstration rooms, and office space for startups and developers.

DCI+MacINTOSH designed the primary framing systems for the steel structure, which were designed for office space with a creative curtainwall façade, ground floor retail tenants, an intercommunicating staircase, and screened mechanical penthouse.

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Newark, Delaware
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Project Highlights

  • Includes a rooftop penthouse.
  • First floor features restaurant space.
  • Auger-cast deep pile foundation.
Blake Werley web

Blake Werley

Associate, Wilmington


“I’ve always enjoyed the art of being part of a team – discovering the most helpful role in projects and the reward of seeing that collaboration come to life.”

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