
Joya Child & Family Development

Community Resource: Non-profit doubles in facility size to better serve families

When complete, the Joya Child & Family Development facility will be a new two-story building with individual treatment and therapy rooms, pediatric clinic space, office and meeting rooms. The non-profit organization will have more space to offer comprehensive assessments, treatment, and therapy for children (up to age 3) with developmental disabilities or delays.

DCI Engineers is the structural and civil engineer of record for the project. The structural team designed the conventional wood stick framing, steel frame girders, and steel column configurations. The civil team compiled the survey information, demolition, site, erosion control, grading, stormwater, and utility plans.

Location Pin Icon
Spokane, Washington
Cube Measurments Icon
Square Feet:
Building Icon
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Structural, Civil
Pie Chart Icon
Healthcare, Sustainable Design
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Primary Material:
Concrete, Steel, Wood

Project Highlights

  • The interior girder line will comprise of steel wide flange beams, bearing walls, and glulam headers.
  • The site’s proximity is close to the Spokane River, which means the civil team used a combination of standard drywells and shallow galleries for infiltration.

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