
The M

We saw it as an opportunity to purchase an iconic downtown building and create a building to benefit all of Spokane.”

Up and Urban Spokane: Repurposing a local gem for a new era

Spokane’s former downtown Macy’s building was repurposed into a mixed-use building called The M. New building owners envisioned the building’s modern function as two reconfigured floors of retail and multiple levels of residential space. The M’s primary concrete columns, beams, and floors were salvaged (originally built in 1914, 1921, and 1950) and strengthened. Two skywalks were rebuilt to connect to the Bennet Block building and Urban Outfitters to promote pedestrian activity.

DCI Engineers provided primary structural and civil engineering services for The M. The structural team analyzed the existing building conditions to determine a concrete shear core design which removes some of the lateral demand from existing first floor columns. They also reinforced the foundation with micro piles; reinforced the new window façade openings on the eastside of the building; designed the staircase for the retail levels; designed the new framing systems for the skywalks, wall and floor systems for the residential levels, and structural systems for the below-grade parking level.

The civil team worked on the project’s erosion control plan, grading plan, storm water and utility plan, and signage and striping plan.

Location Pin Icon
Spokane, Washington
Cube Measurments Icon
Square Feet:
Building Icon
Geometric Shapes Icon
Structural, Civil
Pie Chart Icon
Commercial, Multi-Family Residential
Material Shapes Icon
Primary Material:
Concrete, Steel, Masonry

Project Highlights

  • Original pink pre-cast brick façade was salvaged on the eastside of the building and new windows were installed. The historic brick façade is tied to the existing building for anchorage.
  • Metal finish and glass exteriors replace the south and west façades, letting in more natural light to the building’s interiors.
  • Two skywalks from The M’s second retail level cross Howard Street and Wall Street restoring the pedestrian activity between the Bennet Block building and the Urban Outfitters store.
  • Retail levels now have high ceilings.
  • Includes a restored below-grade parking level.

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