Photo by Hugh Loomis

The Village of St. John

More Than a Place of Worship: Church creates space for senior housing

We wanted to preserve the sacredness of the building by creating affordable, dignified housing.”
Brother Ronald Giannone, Minister of Caring Founder and Executive Director

The Village of St. John is a new affordable assisted living facility in the Brandywine neighborhood of Wilmington, Delaware. The project involved the construction of a new three-story residential building and the renovations of a 150-year-old cathedral and its Bishop’s House, which the new structure was attached to. The church was originally built in 1858 and features stone walls, a cathedral spire, sloped roofs and carved arched windows, common in gothic-style architecture of the time. The new entrance functions as the main point of entry for residents and as the connection between the church and the new addition. The new apartments provide comfortable and dignified housing for those 62-years and older. The 53 units in the building come in one-bedroom, one-bathroom layouts, 11 of which are ADA compliant, and all are affordable with rents based on the tenant’s income.

Location Pin Icon
Wilmington, Delaware
Cube Measurments Icon
Square Feet:
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Historic, Religious, Multi-Family Residential
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Primary Material:
Concrete, Steel, Masonry, Wood

Project Highlights

  • Installed elevators in the church and the new residential addition.
  • Bishop’s House was converted into apartment units.


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