
Toyota Logistics Services

Port Efficiency: LEED Gold auto shipment terminal installed with new utilities

Toyota Logistics Services (TLS) at the Port of Long Beach comprises of a newly constructed 155,000-sf facility for offices and vehicle distribution, a car wash building, and a fuel island. This facility replaces the original amenities on the 144-acre marine terminal. TLS can safely process new automobile shipments more efficiently with its updated configuration. The terminal layout has a streamlined workflow that reduces vehicle movement and emissions and raises the seismic integrity of the facility.

Preparing the site for utilities, erosion control, stormwater drainage, and grading required extensive coordination by DCI’s civil team and collaboration with the floodplain engineer and the Port of Long Beach.

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Long Beach, California
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Industrial, Sustainable Design

Project Highlights

  • 2 1/2 miles of underground utilities were installed.
  • The site has surcharged sewage infrastructure, where three new connections were made to a 100-year-old sewer main located 15 feet below ground.
  • Six adjacent companies ran oil pipelines underneath Toyota’s site, which required coordination, testing, and removal efforts by the GC when utility lines crossed.
  • The facility’s updated footprint is now 21% smaller than the original facility footprint.

Project Team

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