
University of Idaho Dan O’Brien Track Renovation

Honoring Track Star and Alumnus Dan O’Brien: Engineering the logistics of a new track and field complex at the University of Idaho

To solve the drainage issues from previous renovations at the Dan O’Brien Track and Field complex, DCI Engineers provided civil services to design a comprehensive state-of-the-art subdrainage system under the track oval. By doing this, the accumulation of ground water under the track will be minimized and the track’s life expectancy will be extended.

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Moscow, Idaho
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Higher Education, Sports

Project Highlights

  • Infield was filled using recycled asphalt from the old track and then it was back-filled with locally available soils.
  • A geocomposite subdrainage system was designed for the infield to aid in better infiltration.
  • The drainage system allows for quick removal of the surface storm water and the capture of nuisance ground water.
  • A concrete treated sub-grade was utilized to allow the contractor to begin work during the wet spring months and provide improved support for the track oval.
  • Provided erosion control, grading, and utility design as well.

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